eibenholz clothing is…
cut-resistant, puncture-resistant and bullet-resistant leisure wear
We offer modular cut, puncture and bullet-resistant clothing to protect against attacks and accidents.
The Eibenholz Material is…
High-quality clothing for self-protection
Modular security
Global distribution
For every
Customer reviews
The EIBENHOLZ hoodie is an absolutely great, new experience when it comes to clothing.
Right from the start I was won over by the look. He is super athletic and has at the same time
a touch of elegance thanks to the high quality of fabric and workmanship. But the feeling of security I had when wearing it is what excites me the most about the hoodie.
Oft gesucht: Hoodie Black 3XL | Hoodie Grey L | Sweater 2XL | Kugelsichere Einlagen | Stichfeste Kleidung | Schusssichere Kleidung | SK1 Einlage | SK1 Einlagen | Schusssichere Bekleidung | Schusssichere Einlagen | Stichhemmende Kleidung | Schnitthemmende Kleidung | Schusshemmende Kleidung | Sicherheitskleidung | Schutzkleidung | Arbeitsschutz | Arbeitsschutzkleidung | Berufsbekleidung | Casual wear | Bomberjacken | Fliegerjacken | Sicherheit | Protection | Selbstverteidigung | Selbstschutz | Messerangriffe | Schnittverletzungen | Stichschutz | Schnittschutz | Schutzweste | Hoodie | Jacke | Bulletproof | Stabbing | Cutting | 9 mm | Pistole | Gun | Pfefferspray